Saturday, January 7, 2012

Proper Golf Swing Basics for the New Golfer

While addressing proper golf swing basics for the new golfer, the idea is to keep things uncomplicated and never attempt to emulate Tiger Woods or any of the pros. Their golf swing basics are so far advanced to ours that it would merely trigger additional frustration than this remarkable game of golf already has. What I would like to recommend to the new golfer is to get very simple in their golf swing basics, and once that is set build from that basis.

1. Work relating to the short game initially. I assume because we start a hole from the tee, people learning the sport think that is where their training should start. I feel proper golf swing basics start with the chip shot, after that moving up, ending using the driver. The object of any swing is what happens at ball contact, and the remainder of the swing is merely in support of ball contact. The closer you get to the hole, the greater number of times you may employ a particular club. Then doesn't it stand to reason the more time you use a particular golf club during a round of golf, the longer you ought to put into working with it? It's natural for the new golfer to walk onto the driving range, pull out the driver, and hit half a bucket of golf balls with it. But how often would you hit a driver during a round of golf? Fourteen at most, and many of those swings with the driver another golf club would have been the better option. Give the driver a break.

2. Work on contact, not club speed. Controlled contact will serve your game a lot better than working to generate golf club velocity for distance. This is why we start with the chip around the green, as it has the shortest distance end to end in the swing, and therefore should be the best controlled of any golf club. When the new golfer practices this shot, he should here a crisp "click" on the ball at contact. Additionally, practice eliminating any sidespin, which for the longer golf clubs will set off a slice or hook.

3. As you progress up from the chip when developing proper golf swing basics, think "smooth and under control" rather than "rapid and aggressive". Swinging the club harder might send the golf ball further, but only if you hit it solidly. But even when you hit it solidly but impart a great deal of sidespin, the golf ball will be in poorer position than when you knock it 50 or 100 yards less, but with more control.
4. It will be extremely difficult for the new golfer, or that matter any golfer, to keep proper golf swing basics without being in decent physical shape. Muscle groups used for a proper golf swing aren't used on a regular basis, so they should be maintained with an off-course agenda.

This is merely a primer course in proper golf swing basics. The new golfer must always be patient in his improvement and especially try to keep a correct rhythm and tempo. But above all, have fun, and recognize that playing this game better is a journey, not a destination.

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